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Personal Page Hosting Service

DEEC provides its employees with a service for the publication of personal web pages, for their enjoyment. This service is available through the URL

The materials hosted through this service are the responsibility of each user and reflect their individual vision. The information published does not represent the opinion or policy of the Department, Faculty or University of Coimbra. Thus, the institution should not be associated with the users' view, expressed in the pages hosted on this service.

Personal Website Management

The access to the server, for editing the pages, is done through the FTP TLS / SSL protocol and your DEEC credentials.
The table below shows the settings that you should use in your usual TLS / SSL FTP client (we suggest Cyberduck for OSX and Windows). Click here for more complete instructions.

Definition Description Value to be configured
Address of the server hosting the
Protocol for interaction with the server, for manipulating remote
FTP TLS/SSL Explicit encryption
Username of the user to be connected to the server
DEEC domain username
(e.g., userx)
Password of the user to be connected to the server
Password of the respective account
Path in the file system, where the site is hosted

Location and permissions

The website must be contained in a folder, named public_html, within your account. If it is not yet created, you must proceed with its creation.

In addition, you must ensure that the folder and all files contained have the correct permissions (755 - u = rwx, g = rx, o = rx), using the command below, using the SFTP client:

chmod -R 755 /home/<username>/public_html

Previous Systems

Forwarders of previously published URLs have been created to ensure their smooth operation. Thus and, automatically point to

The sites were automatically copied from the old server (THOR). If for some reason you were using the ISO-8859-1 encoding and your page contains unformatted characters, you can create an .htaccess file, with the following content, / home / <username> / public_html, to solve the problem:

AddDefaultCharset iso-8859-1