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VPN Client for teachers and researchers - iOS

To use this service you need a account!

OpenVPN Installation, Configuration and Execution Manual on iOS


This document will present, step by step, the installation, configuration and execution of OpenVPN on the iOS operating system.


Before starting the installation and configuration of OpenVPN on your iPhone, you should check the following point:

  • Have an account for configuring the VPN, which is requested at the Computer Network Management office.


To download OpenVPN just go to the AppStore and download the following application “OpenVPN Connect”.


For your configuration, you must download the DEEC.ovpn. Then, open the application, select the “OVPN Profile” option and accept the policies.

To add the ovpn file, just open the Files application, go to the downloaded file's directory and open it with OpenVPN.

Finally, select “ADD” and enter the credentials and select “ADD” again. If you want, you can change the Title to an easier name to identify to the DEEC VPN.